
Best/open market provides the market information necessary for daily life in the form of internet open market, especially the information of restaurants, institutes / entertainments / cafes, living stores, marts / shops and buying cycles This site can be registered.
the best way to provide information is to display the nearest open market centered on the location of the app through BestApp, and to display specific markets among the open markets. In the buy cycle, in conjunction with the delivery product, we provide the buy cycle function in the open market. You can also enter an address to display nearby open markets around that address.
◑ BestApp
◑ Function
① Main screen: Shows a large list of categories: restaurants, edutainment, living stores, marts / shops, and plazas.
② Classifications screen: Shows a list of classifications first for that masterhouse to find
③ List screen: Displays the list found for the corresponding master house selected from the categorization list.
④ Show priority: You can choose to display your choices among the top houses.
⑤ Detailed screen: Displays detailed information of the selected master house on the list screen.
◑ Add-ons
① Presale Mall: You can see all the information of the real estate for sale at a glance.
② Scenic Spots: Scenic, historic and scenic spots across the country.
③ Campgrounds: See campgrounds / campsites across the country at a glance or search by province.
④ Directions helper: Get directions and navigate from your starting point to your destination.
◑ Historic sites and scenic spots
◑ Product performance
- Find and display the best homes near you based on your app customers or the address you entered.
- You can display certain stores (paid) first.
- You can also search by home name (with parts) regardless of distance.
- You can also take advantage of the reseller app.
- We operate a franchise franchise with our headquarters / headquarters.
 BestApp Logo Thumb
◑ Contents
- You can freely create and edit content through your own registered app.
- We recommend that you write in English for foreigners, and we can assist you in creating English content on request.
- It's a good idea to include your overall content based on your strengths.
◑ Market and Photo
- It registers items such as used goods, antiques, handicrafts, agricultural products, and souvenirs. Direct transactions are made between the parties through a 1:1 conversation of the messenger.
- Important: The results of the transaction are all the responsibility of the parties, and we simply provide a square of information.
- Try sharing different pictures every day. Shared photos can be viewed by day of the week and archived for a week.
◑ Download Manual
- If you want to see more detailed instructions, please download the electronic manual.
- The electronic manual is written in Acrobat Reader.